I love the summer heat. But with temps nearing 100 degrees my hair typically would quickly become a frizzy mess! A few years ago, I learned about Magic Sleek, a great treatment for hassle-free, sleek and shiny summer hair!
The highlight of attending the International Beauty Show was having my hair straightened by Magic Sleek. I was so excited to be asked back as a hair model again this year. Magic Sleek works amazing on curly, damaged or frizzy hair. The process to sleek, healthy hair begins with two washes with the Step One / Prepare Shampoo. After thoroughly drying your hair, Step Two / Relaxer is applied and left on for 45 minutes. The length of time Step 2 is allowed to remain on the hair determines how straight it’ll be when finished. Step 3 / Finisher is then applied. It remains on the hair for about 7 minutes. Finally, your hair is rinsed, blow dried and ironed very straight. This completes the process, and your results will remain for up to 6 months! (If you prefer to keep your curls, you can do that as well, while still eliminating frizz and damage.)
After the three-step process, my hair was transformed into a sleek, smooth, shiny and straight mane. Not only did I leave the show with amazingly healthy and straight hair but even now, three months later, it is still straight. I’ve noticed a huge increase in hair growth and thickness as well. In just three months, my hair has grown three inches!
Magic Sleek is revolutionizing the hair straightening process. Their technology surpasses the alternatives like keratin treatments, Brazilian and Japanese straightening. There is no down time. You can wash and color your hair right away after your Magic Sleek treatment and it will dry perfectly straight and silky. There are no aldehydes (like formaldehyde) or harsh chemicals. Magic Sleek is fortified with natural ingredients from the Amazon Rainforest, like vitamin E and Omega fatty acids. Your hair is nourished and repaired, and comes out shinier and better protected. Want your hair to grow stronger? Want to do away with frizzy hair during the humid summer months? I highly recommend getting a Magic Sleek treatment! Use Magic Sleek’s line of shampoo, conditioner and leave-in oil to help to extend your results, and you will have many months of gorgeous straight hair.
Summer heat and humidity is no match for Magic Sleek!
Visit MagicSleek.com to locate a salon near you that offers the service.
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