The Chanel 2.55 flap bag is one of the most iconic bags ever made. Created by Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel in February 1955 (thus, the 2.55), its features include a signature quilted, boxy body and double leather-threaded chain straps. The 2.55 is a very recognizable and highly coveted bag. Sixty years after its creation, the Chanel Makeup Creation Studio just launched a limited-edition makeup collection for Spring 2015 – inspired by the leather-braided chain strap of the 2.55.
The collection currently consists of two items: L’Intemorel De Chanel Eyeshadow Palette ($80) and Le Vernis Intemporel Nail Colour ($27). The eyeshadow palette features five luminous shades: yellow, green, black purple and white, all connected by an embossed chain design. The nail polish, Le Vernis, comes in a metallic silver shade (Intemporel) that is meant to represent the shine of the 2.55’s metal chain strap.
The collection is available now on, and you can also shop Chanel cosmetics at Neiman Marcus.
Aubrey Brown says
Chanel bags is one of the prestigious signature in the market and a very good quality. One day I will buy this bag because it’s my favorite.