The single most effective thing in standing out from others is how you dress. It is entirely possible to attract the attention of dozens of people by simply walking into the room wearing the right thing. The woman who commits to having a style that truly expresses herself without fear will have a huge advantage in getting noticed. In a city as vast and varied as New York it’s very difficult to be unique…oh wait actually it’s not; just go to the corner of Avenue A and East 3rd Street.
MoMoFalana has occupied that address for 9 years. They have been carried by Henri Bendel’s & Barney’s and adorned the lovely shoulders of Sarah Jessica Parker in an episode of Sex and the City. Most recently they have caught the eye of Nicole Richie and will be featured in ad campaign for her new perfume. The designs of MoMo Falana’s dynamic duo of Maureen Roberts and Mike Lublin are so stunning because that was priority one, from day one. “We didn’t want any attachment to an established aesthetic”, said Roberts.
Lublin and Roberts are incredibly accomplished dye craftspeople. Their saturated colors and vivid designs are carefully planned out and painstakingly executed. Gorgeous long silhouette dresses that fit and envelop a woman are another hallmark and goal of these dynamic designers. “I encourage women to stop dressing like everyone else, to dress like they have always imagined.” Another testament to their skill is that although each MoMoFalana design is one of a kind, they are the best in the business at matching colors so they can give you the same look that you coveted on your friend!
To wear a MoMoFalana dress is to be unforgettable, their designs create impact. They do all of their own alterations so a flattering fit is a guarantee. Unique, bold and beautiful – all in colors so rich, you could get drunk on them. If you are in NYC be sure to head to the corner of Avenue A and East 3rd Street, where MoMoFalana has cornered the market on stunning.
Photos by Vered Koshlano
I have always loved MoMoFalana! I’m glad that the line is getting the publicity it deserves. Plus Maureen and Mike are such a pleasure to deal with. Can’t have too many MoMos!!!!